The data requested on incidents are not collected centrally. However, the British Crime Survey provides figures for violent incidents where the victim believes the offender was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This information is provided in the following table.
Percentages and numbers (thousand)—BCS Statistically significant change Offender(s) perceived to be under the influence of:1 1995 1997 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 1995 to 2008-09 2007-08 to 2008-09 Proportion of all violent incidents2 Alcohol 41 43 48 45 51 49 45 46 46 47 ** — Drugs 16 18 21 20 20 18 23 17 19 17 — — Unweighted 1,078 915 1,285 1,397 1,398 1,455 1,512 1,658 1,477 1,449 — — Number of violent incidents(thousand) Alcohol 1,656 1,457 1,244 1,177 1,299 1,105 1,023 1,087 971 973 ** — Drugs 655 603 549 544 474 390 531 398 390 334 ** — Unweighted 16,348 14,947 32,824 36,479 37,931 45,120 47,729 47,138 46,903 46,220 — — 1 Questions asked only if the victim was able to say something about the offender(s), and if there was more than one offender, victims were asked if any of the offenders were perceived to be under the influence. Questions were not asked if any offender(s) were perceived to be under school age. 2 ‘All violence’ includes wounding, assault with minor injury, assault without injury and robbery. See section 5 of volume 2 for more information. Notes: For an explanation of year-labels see ‘Conventions used in figures and tables’ at the start of this volume. Taken from table 3.16 at the following link: