The average estimated starting salary of an NHS nurse in cash and real terms in 1996-97 and 2008-09, the latest year for which figures are available, is shown in following the table.
Starting salaries (£)Qualified nurseCash2008-09 prices1996-9711,89515,4702008-0920,22520,225 Notes: 1. In the context of this answer the term “NHS Nurse” has been interpreted as a qualified nurse. 2. 1996-97 figures are based on the Whitley D Grade minimum starting salary. Source: Pay circular 1997-98. 3. Figures have been expressed in 2008-09 prices using the HM Treasury gross domestic product deflator index where appropriate. 4. 2008-09 figure is the Agenda For Change band five minimum salary. This figure is available for 2009-10 (£20,710) but the deflator index is unavailable for comparison in real terms.
The average pay of an NHS nurse in cash and real terms in 1998-99 and 2008-09 the latest year for which figures are available is in the table. No comparable figures are available prior to 1998-99 as this was the first year in which the NHS staff earnings survey was undertaken.
Qualified Nurse Cash 2008-09 prices 1998-99 19,600 25,000 2008-09 29,900 29,900 Notes: 1. In the context of this answer the term “NHS Nurse” has been interpreted as a qualified nurse. 2. 1998-99 figures—Source: NHS Earnings Survey 1998-99 (available at 3. Figures have been expressed in 2008-09 prices using the HM Treasury gross domestic product deflator index where appropriate. 4. 2008-09 figures—Source: NHS Information Centre NHS Staff Earnings January to March 2009 (available at The figure for April to June 2009 is available (£30,900) but the deflator index is unavailable for a comparison in real terms. 5. Figures have been rounded to the nearest £100.