The Department has estimated a national uptake rate of 70 per cent. for all the priority at-risk groups, based on the uptake rate of 74 per cent. for seasonal flu vaccine among the over 65s. Based on previous data on seasonal influenza vaccine uptake, there is little reason to believe that there will be significant regional variation in this estimated uptake rate.
This estimate is for planning purposes only and is not a target. We recommend that all people in the priority groups receive the vaccine.
The swine flu vaccination programme will be administered by general practitioners (GPs) following successful negotiations between the Department, General Practitioners Committee of the British Medical Association and NHS Employers.
The deal will mean that GP surgeries will receive £5.25 per dose of vaccine given. This £5.25 payment will pay for the extra staff and non-staff resources that practices will need to vaccinate their at-risk patients. At the same time it will ensure other services provided by the practices do not suffer while practices are vaccinating large numbers of patients. The £5.25 does not include the cost of the vaccine itself. The price we pay for the vaccine is commercially confidential information.