Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office was established in April 2005 as an independent prosecuting authority in England and Wales.
We are therefore unable to provide information prior to that date nor earlier than that indicated below. Nor can we provide statistics relating to the whole of the United Kingdom since we do not prosecute in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
In our reply we have defined fraud in relation to corporate tax as prosecutions for VAT and Direct Tax offences.
The following table indicates the number of convictions in England and Wales, the East of England region and Essex. We are unable to provide details relating specifically to Castle Point constituency.
England and Wales East of England1 Essex 2009-102 55 14 7 2008-09 150 28 15 2007-08 226 32 21 2006-07 172 8 7 1 Prosecutions conducted in courts in the following counties: Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. 2 This information covers the 6 month period April to September 2009 only
It should be noted that simply because a conviction is recorded in the East of England or Essex, it does not follow that either the crime or the defendants are linked with that area. For example, a case could have been moved there by HM Court Service for logistical reasons.