Current Regional Business Plans are already publicly available on the website of the relevant Regional Assembly or successor body.
To date six regions have finalised RSS revisions which were published on the following dates:
Region 12 May 2008 East of England 21 May 2008 Yorkshire and Humber 15 July 2008 North East 30 September2008 North West 12 March 2009 East Midlands 6 April 2009 South East
The West Midlands is taking a phased approach to the revision of its RSS:
Phase 1 covering the Black Country was finalised on 15 January 2008.
Phase 2 which covers wider housing issues among other things has been through an Examination in Public and the Secretary of State is currently considering the panel’s report published in September. We expect to consult on any proposed changes in the new year and publish the final plan later in 2010.
The South West RSS was due to be finalised last summer. However in the light of a legal judgment on sustainability appraisal we have agreed to do some further work and consultation and aim to publish it in 2010.