The available information is given in the table and shows the number and percentage of entrants to undergraduate initial teacher training (ITT) courses by their highest qualification on entry. Qualifications included in the "Other" category might be higher than A-level and can include trainees who have A-levels. Information relating specifically to entrants with no qualifications at advanced level is not available.
Undergraduate trainees represent 24 per cent. of trainees on mainstream ITT courses in 2007/08.
Mainstream Employment based Highest qualification on entry Number Percentage Number Percentage With A or AS 4,330 57.9 0 0.0 GNVQ 10 0.1 0 0.0 Access 580 7.8 0 0.0 Other 2,570 34.3 150 100.0 Total 7,480 100.0 150 100.0 Notes: 1. Mainstream includes universities and other higher education institutes and Open University, but excludes employment based ITT (EBITT). 2. EBITT includes trainees through the Registered Teacher Programme. 3. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Source: TDA 's Performance Profiles
The Department sets national targets for initial teacher training (ITT) recruitment. ITT place numbers for 2005/06 to 2009/10 are given in the table and have been published as part of Statistical First Release 26/2008: "School Workforce in England" at:
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Primary 15,800 15,300 14,800 17,460 18,050 Secondary 18,500 17,500 16,500 19,385 18,120 Primary and secondary 34,300 32,800 31,300 36,845 36,170 Note: Number of places prior to 2008/09 include School Centred ITT but excludes Employment Based ITT (EBITT). Targets for 2008/09 onwards include EBITT, but exclude Teach First. Source: DCSF
The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) allocates ITT places to individual providers based on the national target. The table shows the number of accredited ITT providers that were allocated fewer places compared with the previous academic year.
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Accredited ITT providers allocated fewer places when compared with the previous year: Number 66 127 157 142 103 Percentage of all accredited ITT providers 28.1 54.0 67.4 61.7 45.0 Source: TDA's Trainee Numbers Census
A table showing the number of ITT places allocated to each accredited ITT provider for each of the last six years has been placed in the Library.
The table shows the number of accredited initial teacher training (ITT) providers who requested a net year-on-year increase in ITT places across all subjects in a particular phase during each of the last two bidding rounds covering the academic years 2006/07 to 2010/11.
Number of ITT providers Bidding round for 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Mainstream Primary 43 23 73 28 22 Secondary 73 27 67 55 41 Employment Based 58 — 62 28 19 Notes: 1. Figures presented in the table do not reflect separate bids for individual subjects. 2. Although providers may have bid for additional places, it does not mean that their request was granted. 3. The numbers for mainstream primary and secondary providers are not mutually exclusive so should not be aggregated. 4. For the employment based bidding exercise, a providers request for an increase for 2007/08 would, if granted, be counted in the inter-bidding round.
The number of providers who were allocated additional places is given in the table.
Mainstream Employment based 2006/07 51 40 2007/08 59 47 2008/09 29 46 2009/10 92 49 2010/11 70 28 Notes: 1. The year relates to the allocation for that academic year, not when the change was made. 2. Figures for 2009/10 and 2010/11 include providers who received extra primary places as a result of the additional bidding exercise held in summer 2008.