From April 2008 until March 2009, a total of 1,158.42 kilos of cocaine were seized by UKBA officers working in the Border Force South Region, which includes Gatwick airport and all ports along the South Coast. During the same period a total of 434.23 kilos of cocaine were seized by UKBA officers in the Heathrow region.
The following tables provide a monthly breakdown of these seizures.
Cocaine quantity (kilos) April 2008 62.50 May 2008 87.06 June 2008 69.59 July 2008 165.42 August 2008 50.20 September 2008 167.11 October 2008 105.54 November 2008 45.25 December 2008 43.97 January 2009 24.43 February 2009 299.88 March 2009 37.47 Period total 1,158.42
Cocaine quantity (kilos) April 2008 26.16 May 2008 30.31 June 2008 77.08 July 2008 45.53 August 2008 32.91 September 2008 18.25 October 2008 44.54 November 2008 78.35 December 2008 16.37 January 2009 18.60 February 2009 24.87 March 2009 21.27 Period total 434.23
The above data have been extracted from locally-collated management information. It is provisional and therefore may be subject to change.