The Department is aware of issues regarding the adequacy of supply of guardians in the family courts, and my officials are working with CAFCASS to address delays in allocating cases to guardians.
A sharp rise in the number of care applications since December 2008 has put pressure on the family justice system in general, and the supply of guardians in particular. As of 30 September 2009, CAFCASS had a work load of 13,355 public law cases, 979 of which were awaiting allocation to a guardian.
A number of steps have been taken to reduce the number of unallocated cases. This Department recently provided £1.6 million of additional funding to CAFCASS in this financial year to tackle the backlog in the London area. CAFCASS itself has developed operating priorities to enable guardians to manage their work load as efficiently and effectively as possible. The President of the Family Division has also issued interim guidance, to operate until March 2010, which aims to reduce the number of cases without guardians in the family courts.