Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimate, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ DEL will be increased by £19,906,781,000 from £1,922,920,000 to £21,829,701,000 as a consequence of the merger between the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. The administration budget will be increased by £84,524,000 from £272,949,000 to £357,473,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:
Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource (£000) -4,037,427 21,292,300 -3,515,015 22,354,754 18,839,739 of which: Administration* budget 84,524 357,473 357,473 Near cash in Resource DEL* -5,337,748 21,062,238 -4,937,070 22,105,386 17,168,316 Capital (£000) -95,993 2,747,901 -486,854 3,476,816 2,989,962 Less Depreciation* (£000) -5,112 -180,116 -59,448 -201,279 -260,727 Total (£000) -4,138,532 23,860,085 -4,061,317 25,630,291 21,568,974 *The total of the ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near Cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total Resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. *Capital DEL includes items treated as Resource in Estimates and Accounts, but treated as Capital DEL in Budgets. *Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since Capital DEL includes Capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £114,024,000 voted near cash and £317,335,000 of non-voted near cash in respect of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation and central programmes;
ii) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £3,762,000 voted depreciation and £7,829,000 other voted non cash and £168,000 non-voted depreciation and £23,000 of other non-voted non cash in respect of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation and central programmes;
iii) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £400,000 non-voted near cash and negative £400,000 non-voted non cash in respect of research establishments provisions;
iv) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £40,624,000 non-voted near cash in respect of the Departmental Unallocated Provision;
v) transfer of £1,027,000 voted DEL and £4,732,000 non-voted DEL from the Department for Work and Pensions in respect of Business Link activities to tackle long-term unemployment;
vi) virement of £43,700,000 from non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision to voted expenditure in respect of the Automotive Scrappage Scheme;
vii) virement of £7,300,000 from voted Strategic Investment Fund capital expenditure to non-voted resource expenditure in respect of the Technology Strategy Board.
viii) virement of £2,500,000 from voted expenditure in respect of Business to non-voted Regional Development Agency expenditure;
ix) virement of £37,000,000 of non-voted expenditure from the Learning and Skills Council (RfR3) to Regional Development Agencies (RfR1) voted expenditure in respect of the Train to Gain programme;
x) virement of £1,700,000 from voted expenditure in respect of Business Link Marketing to non-voted Regional Development Agency expenditure;
xi) transfer of £2,629,000 from the Home Office in respect of Migration Impact Funding;
xii) virement of £138,000 from voted central programmes to the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision.
Also within the change to resource DEL, the changes to the Administration budget are:
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £69,299,000 voted near cash, £1,350,000 voted depreciation and £250,000 of other voted non cash;
ii) reclassification to administration from non-voted programme Departmental Unallocated Provision of £13,625,000.
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £116,742,000 voted near cash and £2,732,835,000 of non-voted near cash in respect of Science programmes;
ii) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £138,960,000 non-voted depreciation and £54,600,000 other non-voted non cash in respect of Science programmes;
iii) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £27,332,000 non-voted near cash and £2,511,000 non-voted depreciation in respect of the Departmental Unallocated Provision;
iv) virement of £287,000 non-voted Departmental Unallocated provision to voted Research-Based Initiatives.
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of a net negative £5,763,198,000 voted near cash and £18,038,714,000 of non-voted near cash in respect of Education programmes;
ii) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £1,331,730,000 other voted non cash and £16,624,000 non-voted depreciation and a net negative £27,024,000 of other non-voted non cash in respect of Education programmes;
iii) transfer of £24,073,000 from the Ministry of Justice in respect of prison education and offender learning;
iv) transfer of £222,000 from the Ministry of Justice in respect of Government Skills;
v) utilisation of £384,000 from the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision for voted Government Skills;
vi) virement of £60,000 to the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision from voted International programmes;
vii) virement of £10,000,000 to non-voted capital from non-voted resource in respect of the Learning and Skills Council;
viii) virement of £37,000,000 of non-voted expenditure from the Learning and Skills Council to the Regional Development Agencies (RfR1) voted expenditure in respect of the Train to Gain programme;
ix) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £6,211,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;
x) increase in voted receipts for the Student Loans Company of £503,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, offset by an increase in the Student Loans Company non-voted resource DEL;
xi) increase in voted receipts for the Higher Education Funding Council for England of £2,344,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, offset by an increase in the Higher Education Funding Council for England non-voted resource DEL;
xii) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £1,300,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;
xiii) Increase in voted receipts for the Higher Education Funding Council for England of £502,000 from the Department of Health, offset by an increase in the Higher Education Funding Council for England non-voted resource DEL;
xiv) increase in voted receipts for Investors in People (IiP) of £70,000 from the Department of Health, offset by an increase in the Investors in People (IiP) non-voted resource DEL;
xv) increase in voted receipts for the Commission for Employment and Skills of £250,000 from the Cabinet Office, offset by an increase in the Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;
xvi) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £566,000 from the devolved Administration for Scotland, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;
xvii) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £373,000 from the devolved Administration for Wales, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;
xviii) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £243,000 from the devolved Administration for Northern Ireland, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;
xix) virement of £24,943,000 from voted to non-voted expenditure relating to the Learning and Skills Council;
xx) virement of £374,000 from non-voted to voted expenditure relating to the Higher Education Funding Council for England;
xxi) virement of £1,260,000 from non-voted to voted expenditure relating to the Student Loans Company;
xxii) virement of £2,461,000 from voted to non-voted expenditure relating to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills;
xxiii) virement of £32,000 from voted to non-voted expenditure relating to the Sector Skills Development Agency;
xxiv) transfer of £400,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families for the College Sector.
The change in the Capital element of the DEL arises from:
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £14,131,000 voted and £10,080,000 non-voted in respect of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation and central programmes;
ii) virement of £2,500,000 from non-voted Regional Development Agency expenditure to voted expenditure in respect of British Shipbuilders;
iii) virement of £7,300,000 from voted Strategic Investment Fund expenditure to non-voted resource expenditure in respect of the Technology Strategy Board;
iv) transfer of £25,000,000 from the Department of Energy and Climate Change in respect of the Low Carbon Buildings programme;
v) transfer of £2,100,000 of non-voted expenditure from the Department of Energy and Climate Change in respect of the Fuel Cells and Hydrocarbon demonstration programme funded through the Technology Strategy Board;
vi) £18,000,000 increase in Small Firms Loan Guarantee expenditure (funded by a reduction in the non-voted RfR2 Departmental Unallocated Provision in part repayment of a loan made from non-Science to Science in 2007);
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £47,676,000 voted and £644,053,000 non-voted in respect of Science programmes;
ii) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of £175,840,000 non-voted in respect of the Departmental Unallocated Provision;
iii) virement of £2,000,000 non-voted Departmental Unallocated provision to voted expenditure by the British Academy;
iv) reduction of £18,000,000 in the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision in part repayment of a loan made from non-Science to Science in 2007 (utilised to fund increased RfR1 Small Firms Loan Guarantee expenditure);
v) reduction of £25,000,000 in the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision in part repayment of a loan made from non-Science to Science in 2007 (utilised to fund an RfR1 transfer to the Department for Communities and Local Government in respect of the “Building Britain’s Future” Housing Pledge).
i) a Machinery of Government transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of a net negative £198,000,000 voted and £1,953,328,000 non-voted in respect of Education programmes;
ii) virement of £10,000,000 to non-voted capital from non-voted resource in respect of the Learning and Skills Council.