Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department of Energy and Climate Change Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will decrease by £22,700,000 from £3,125,377,000 to £3,102,677,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 39,044 -39,044 -704,781 1,809,944 1,105,163 Of which: Administration Budget * - - 93,512 - 93,512 Near Cash in Resource DEL * 39,044 -39,044 -728,313 1,854,438 1,126,125 Capital DEL ** -144,129 121,429 682,201 1,322,404 2,004,605 Less Depreciation *** - - -2,987 -4,104 -7,091 Total DEL -105,085 82,385 -25,567 3,128,244 3,102,677 *The total of ‘Administration Budget’ and ‘Near Cash in Resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total Resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. ** Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. *** Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL in the table above, since Capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Resource DEL
The Resource element of the DEL remains unchanged with an increase in the voted element of Resource DEL of £39,044,000 offset by a decrease of £39,044,000 in the non-voted element of Resource DEL.
Voted resource DEL
The £39,044,000 increase in the voted element of Resource DEL arises from:
a decrease of £34,043,000 in nuclear decommissioning authority operating appropriations-in-aid
a transfer from non-voted Resource DEL of £5,001,000.
Non-voted Resource DEL
The £39,044,000 decrease in non-voted Resource DEL arises from:
a decrease of £34,043,000 in nuclear decommissioning authority DEL offsetting the reduction in appropriations-in-aid
a transfer to voted Resource DEL of £5,001,000.
Capital DEL
The decrease in the Capital element of the DEL of £22,700,000 arises from a decrease in the voted element of Capital DEL of £144,129,000 and an increase of £121,429,000 in the non-voted element of Capital DEL.
Voted Capital DEL
The £144,129,000 decrease in the voted element of Capital DEL arises from:
a transfer from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £4,400,000 for Anaerobic digestion
a transfer to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills of £25,000,000 for the UK Innovation Investment Fund
a transfer to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for the Technology Strategy Board of £2,100,000 for the fuel cells and hydrogen demonstration programme
a transfer from non-voted Capital DEL of £170,000
an increase of £121,599,000 in nuclear decommissioning authority non-operating appropriations-in-aid.
Non-voted Capital DEL
The £121,429,000 increase in the non-voted element of Capital DEL arises from:
a transfer to voted Capital DEL of £170,000
an increase of £121,599,000 in nuclear decommissioning authority DEL offsetting the increase in non-operating appropriations-in-aid.
OFGEM DEL (2009-10)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Office of Gas and Electricity Market’s DEL will be increased by £1,000 from £651,000 to £652,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £1,000 from £701,000 to £702,000.
£'000 Change Voted Non-voted Total Resource DEL 1 702 0 702 Of which: * Administration budget Near-cash in RDEL 1 1 702 -93 0 700 702 607 Near-cash in RDEL 1 -93 700 607 Capital DEL** 0 950 0 950 Depreciation 0 -1000 0 -1000 Total 1 652 0 652 *The total of the ‘Administration Budget’ and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total Resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping **Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from a token increase in administration costs. The token increase is necessary to bring to Parliament’s attention an increase in administration costs of £4,001,000 offset by an increase in appropriations in aid of £4,000,000. The increase in administration costs is as a result of additional unplanned expenditure on administration of the Smart Meter project, and the offshore transmission tender process.
There is no change in the capital element of the DEL.