The work of the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) contributes to the following public service agreements (PSAs):
PSA20: Increase long term housing supply and affordability
PSA21: Build more cohesive, empowered and active communities
PSA23: Make communities safer.
The TSA’s work also contributes to three of Communities and Local Government’s (CLG) six departmental strategic objectives (DSOs):
DSO2: To improve the supply, environmental performance and quality of housing that is more responsive to the needs of individuals, communities and the economy.
DSO3: To build prosperous communities by improving the economic performance of cities, sub-regions and local areas, promoting regeneration and tackling deprivation.
DSO4: To develop communities that are cohesive, active and resilient to extremism.
The Homes and Communities Agency’s corporate plan for 2009-10 to 2010-11 explains how it contributes to the Government’s PSAs and CLG’s DSOs. The corporate plan is available via the HCA’s website: