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Dieticians: Qualifications

Volume 502: debated on Tuesday 8 December 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much funding on average his Department provides for a four year dietetics degree which allows the holder to register as a registered dietician with the Health Profession Council. (303777)

The Department provides funding to strategic health authorities to commission training places on dietician degree courses. In 2008-09, the bench mark price for the cost of tuition in that year for a four year dietetics degree was £8,830 per national health service funded student. Eligible students on this course also receive a means tested NHS bursary from the NHS Student Bursaries Unit. In 2008-09 the average NHS bursary per eligible student was £2,482 for that year.

In addition to the NHS bursary, dietician students are also eligible to apply for a non means tested student loan from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.