DCMS does not forecast future Lottery income, but we do issue projections of what income might be if total sales stay at approximately the last year’s level. The latest income projection issued to non-Olympic Lottery distributors in September 2009 was as follows:
Total income Transfer to Olympics 2009-10 1,386 292 2010-11 1,391 292 2011-12 1,392 292 2012-13 1,453 136 2013-14 1,488 — 2014-15 1,492 —
The total income column is gross income, i.e. before the Olympic transfers are taken into account.
The Big Lottery Fund has distributed funding to statutory bodies where they are best placed to deliver outcomes for communities and people most in need. The Big Lottery Fund does not fund statutory bodies’ core work nor does it substitute or replace statutory funding. Where BIG distributes funding to statutory bodies it is often on the precondition that they work in partnership with voluntary and community sector organisations.
The following table shows the amount awarded to statutory bodies across the UK by the Big Lottery Fund each full financial year since its inception on 1 June 2004.
Financial year ending 31 March Number of awards Total awarded (£) 2006 1,664 59,210,398 2007 1,619 38,144,003 2008 2,612 173,326,762 2009 2,073 41,420,649
Funding made through statutory bodies as third party award partners where the voluntary and community sector organisations are the direct beneficiary have not been included in these figures.
Amounts retained by the statutory third party award partner for administrative costs have been included.