The 2007 comprehensive spending review period (CSR07) runs to 31 March 2011. Based on current plans, the PSNI has not budgeted for the introduction of PCSOs in this period. This was agreed by the Chief Constable and the NI Policing Board in allocating resources for the CSR07 period. The budgeted cost of one police officer in Northern Ireland in 2009-10 is £45,000.
The 2007 comprehensive spending review period (CSR07) runs to 31 March 2011. Based on current plans, the PSNI has not budgeted for the introduction of PCSOs in this period. This was agreed by the Chief Constable and the NI Policing Board in allocating resources for the CSR07 period. The estimated cost of one police community support officer in Northern Ireland is £27,000 per annum but the actual cost would depend on how they were introduced. Decisions on the introduction of PCSOs would be for the Chief Constable and Policing Board.