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Rights of Way

Volume 502: debated on Wednesday 9 December 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many hectares of land in (a) England and (b) North Yorkshire and York have been opened to the public under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to date. (304590)

The area of land opened to the public under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 to date in England, North Yorkshire and York is shown in the following table.


North Yorkshire county

City of York

CROW Access1




CROW Section 162


14 ,570


1 CROW Access land includes conclusive open country and registered common land mapped in accordance with Section 4 of The CROW Act 2000, with areas of excepted land (military byelaw, racecourse and aerodromes) and CROW Section 28 restrictions (military and National Security) removed.

2 CROW Section 16 is land which has been dedicated for the purposes of open access in accordance with Section 16 of The CROW Act 2000.


1. All figures are in Hectares (calculated using Cartesian area in MapInfo).

2. The figure for CROW Access land together with the figure for CROW Section 16 gives the total access land for a given area.