The following table shows the number of removals and voluntary departures by destination for nationals of the Occupied Palestinian Territories between 2004 and 2008. Destination data prior to 2004 are not available.
Published statistics on immigration and asylum are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate web site at:
Number of departures4 2004 2005 2006 2007 20085 2004-085 Total removals and voluntary departures 170 140 175 355 320 1,155 of which: Country of destination6 France 120 65 95 220 215 710 Lebanon 5 15 15 25 15 75 Italy 5 10 * 20 15 55 Occupied Palestinian Territories * 10 5 30 10 50 Jordan 10 5 15 15 10 50 Belgium — 5 5 15 15 40 Ireland * — 15 5 5 30 Egypt * * 5 5 15 25 Germany 5 5 5 * * 20 Greece 5 * 5 5 5 20 Netherlands * 5 — * — 10 Sweden * 5 * * * 10 Spain 5 * — * * 5 Syria * * * * — 5 Austria * 5 — — * 5 United States of America 5 — — — — 5 Saudi Arabia — — — * * 5 United Arab Emirates * — * — * 5 Other and not known 5 10 5 5 10 30 1 Figures are rounded to the nearest 5 (— = 0, * = 1 or 2) and may not sum to the totals shown because of independent rounding. 2 Includes enforced removals, persons departing voluntarily after notifying the UK Border Agency of their intention to leave prior to their departure, persons leaving under Assisted Voluntary Return Programmes run by the International Organisation for Migration and since January 2005 persons who it has been established left the UK without informing the immigration authorities. 3 Figures include dependants. 4 Removals and voluntary departures recorded on the system as at the dates on which the data extracts were taken. 5 Provisional figures. Figures will under record due to data cleansing and data matching exercises that take place after the extracts are taken. 6 Destination as recorded on source database.