The swine flu hospital data collected by the Department are not broken down by primary care trust (PCT). They are collated for acute trusts rather than PCT areas so precise figures for Stockport PCT are not available.
The data collected show that Stockport NHS Foundation Trust has reported 108 patients were admitted with H1N1 swine flu (swabbed or clinically presumed) between 6 July and 1 December 2009. Data on hospital admissions related to swine flu were not collected prior to 6 July. The above figures include all patients reported by the hospital regardless of where they are resident, so may include non-Stockport residents. The figure will not include any residents of the Stockport PCT area who have been admitted to other hospitals with swine flu.
The Department can not release a breakdown of swine flu related deaths in individual PCTs as to do so could breach the confidentiality of patients and their relatives. Details of these deaths were supplied in strict confidence.
The Department does not collect data on seasonal flu hospitalisations and deaths.
Estimates suggest that there are about 85,000 people in Stockport Primary Care Trust area that fall within the groups eligible to receive the seasonal influenza vaccine.
Frontline health care workers involved in direct patient care can also receive the seasonal influenza vaccine. There are an estimated 4,000 people who fall into this category working in Stockport national health service trusts.