There are currently 73,286 limited companies in the automotive industry registered with Companies House. The figures are based on the standard industrial classification code shown on the annual return, which means that no figures are included for companies incorporated in 2009 as they have not yet filed their first annual return. The annual figures are not available as the register is constantly updated with no historical databases retained. Detailed information comparing dates of incorporation and dissolution could be secured only at disproportionate cost.
Data about the wide range of Government support that is available and has been taken up by the automotive sector could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
However, the number of registered automotive companies in England that have received Grant For Business Investment (GBI) or Selective Finance For Investment In England (SFIE) assistance in each year since 2005 is as follows:
Number Value of offers Accepted (£000) 2005 12 11,864 2006 9 9,570 2007 10 4,555 2008 6 3,063 20091 6 7,399 1 To end Sept 2009
The introduction of the car scrappage scheme at a cost of £400 million has benefited companies in both manufacturing and retail.