The table gives the number and percentage not in education, employment or training (NEET) broken down by ethnic group for people aged1 16 to 18 and 19 to 24 in England. Due to the small sample sizes involved in analysis at this level of detail, quarterly data will not give robust estimates and the Annual Population Survey has been used instead.
Details of a respondent’s ethnicity was not recorded prior to 2001, therefore the estimates are given for each year from 2001 to 2008.
Please note that these estimates are subject to large sampling variability and should therefore be treated with caution and viewed in conjunction with their Confidence Intervals2 (CIs), which indicate how accurate an estimate is. For example, a CI of +/- 4.2 percentage points (pp) means that the true value is between 4.2pp above the estimate and 4.2pp below the estimate.
1 Age used is the respondent’s academic age, which is defined as their age at the preceding 31 August.
2 Those given are 95 per cent. confidence intervals.
Aged1 16 to 18 Aged1 19 to 24 Ethnic group Number NEET Percentage NEET Confidence Interval (percentage) Number NEET Percentage NEET Confidence Interval (percentage) 2001 White 151,000 10 +/- 0.6 426,000 14 +/- 0.6 Asian or Asian British 12,000 10 +/- 2.2 58,000 24 +/- 2.5 Black or Black British 5,000 10 +/- 3.6 16,000 19 +/- 4.0 Other ethnic group2 7,000 13 +/- 3.8 23,000 20 +/- 3.4 Total 175,000 10 +/- 0.6 523,000 15 +/- 0.5 2002 White 173,000 11 +/- 0.6 433,000 14 +/- 0.6 Asian or Asian British 9,000 7 +/-1.9 57,000 23 +/- 2.3 Black or Black British 5,000 9 +/- 3.4 22,000 23 +/-4.1 Other ethnic group2 8,000 15 +/-3.9 22,000 16 +/- 2.9 Total 195,000 11 +/- 0.6 534,000 15 +/- 0.5 2003 White 176,000 11 +/- 0.6 437,000 14 +/- 0.6 Asian or Asian British 10,000 8 +/-2.1 65,000 24 +/- 2.4 Black or Black British 7,000 13 +/-4.1 21,000 22 +/-4.1 Other ethnic group2 8,000 13 +/- 3.7 30,000 20 +/-3.1 Total 201,000 11 +/- 0.6 553,000 16 +/- 0.5 2004 White 182,000 11 +/- 0.5 428,000 14 +/- 0.5 Asian or Asian British 12,000 10 +/- 2.3 61,000 24 +/- 2.3 Black or Black British 5,000 10 +/-3.7 26,000 24 +/- 4.0 Other ethnic group2 6,000 8 +/- 2.6 27,000 17 +/- 2.6 Total 205,000 11 +/- 0.5 541,000 15 +/- 0.5 2005 White 198,000 12 +/- 0.6 475,000 15 +/- 0.5 Asian or Asian British 13,000 11 +/- 2.3 57,000 21 +/- 2.3 Black or Black British 6,000 11 +/-3.7 27,000 24 +/- 4.2 Other ethnic group2 7,000 9 +/- 2.8 36,000 20 +/- 2.9 Total 224,000 12 +/- 0.5 594,000 16 +/- 0.5 2006 White 195,000 12 +/- 0.7 507,000 16 +/- 0.6 Asian or Asian British 11,000 9 +/- 2.4 67,000 22 +/- 2.4 Black or Black British 4,000 7 +/-3.1 23,000 21 +/- 4.2 Other ethnic group2 7,000 10 +/- 3.2 33,000 19 +/-3.1 Total 218,000 11 +/- 0.6 630,000 16 +/- 0.6 2007 White 186,000 11 +/- 0.7 514,000 15 +/- 0.6 Asian or Asian British 12,000 10 +/- 2.4 66,000 23 +/- 2.5 Black or Black British 3,000 6 +/- 2.9 23,000 20 +/- 4.0 Other ethnic group2 9,000 11 +/- 3.3 36,000 19 +/- 3.0 Total 211,000 11 +/- 0.6 638,000 16 +/- 0.6 2008 White 187,000 11 +/- 0.7 510,000 15 +/- 0.6 Asian or Asian British 13,000 10 +/- 2.4 53,000 18 +/- 2.2 Black or Black British 8,000 11 +/- 3.7 29,000 24 +/- 4.2 Other ethnic group2 10,000 10 +/-3.1 45,000 21 +/- 2.9 Total 218,000 11 +/- 0.6 637,000 16 +/- 0.6 1 Age used is the respondent’s academic age, which is defined as their age at the preceding 31 August. 2 Other ethnic group includes respondents of mixed ethnicity. Note: The ALALFS covers the period from March in the given year to the following February. Base: 16 to 24-year-olds, England Source: Annual Population Survey 2004-08, Annual Local Area Labour Force Survey (ALALFS) 2001-03