The latest figures from the Higher Education Funding Council for England are provided in the table.
Figures are provided for UK-domiciled full-time and part-time foundation degree entrants from low participation neighbourhoods to English higher education institutions and further education colleges.
The proportion of entrants from low participation neighbourhoods (LPNs) is one measure which the Department uses to monitor widening participation in higher education, along with socio-economic classification and the proportion of entrants from state school. LPNs are defined as wards which are ranked in the bottom 20 per cent. with regard to participation rates of young people (under 21) in higher education. LPNs have been used as a preferred measure of widening participation in this answer due to the high level of unknown data for socio-economic classification (approximately 50 per cent.) and proportion of entrants from state schools (approximately 40 per cent.) for foundation degree entrants.
Foundation degrees are part of a range of measures, including more part-time study, more work-based study and more fast-track degrees that we are utilising in order to attract a greater diversity of students. Widening participation in higher education is about identifying and nurturing talent, wherever it is found, with schools, colleges and higher education institutions working together to ensure that all those with the ability and potential to benefit from higher education are able and prepared to do so.
Full-time Part-time Total Institution type Age group Number entrants Percentage from LPN Number entrants Percentage from LPN Number entrants Percentage from LPN FEC Young 2,805 29 405 20 3,210 28 Mature 3,085 27 2,365 24 5,450 26 HEI Young 7,085 17 955 20 8,040 17 Mature 7,770 16 10,260 17 18,030 17 Unknowns 3,130 — 3,020 — 6,150 — Total 23,870 17,010 40,880 Notes: 1. Institution type refers to the institution the student is registered with. 2. ‘Unknowns’ includes those with unknown postcode or date of birth. 3. ‘Young’ refers to students under the age of 21 at the commencement of their course. 4. ‘Mature’ refers to students aged 21 and over at the commencement of their course. 5. HEI: Higher education institution, FEC: Further education college 6. The numbers in the table have been derived using area groupings which are different to the latest POLAR methodology used to calculate some of the Performance Indicators in Higher Education (published by HESA).