The information is not available in the form requested. The NHS Information Centre does not collect information relating to activities in Wales, nor is information recorded on patients who are non-UK citizens. However, information is collected on a patients’ place of residence.
Data for 2008-09 show that there were four finished consultant episodes for non-UK resident patients who received gastric band surgery in hospitals and clinics in England.
The NHS Information Centre do not collect data relating to Wales. Data is provided relating to activities in English NHS hospitals and English NHS commissioned activity in the independent sector.
Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES)
Record details on residence (i.e. where the patient is living) rather than citizenship. Non-UK residence does not imply non-UK citizenship, for example, a UK citizen might be resident in France.
Finished Consultant Episode (FCE)
A FCE is defined as a continuous period of admitted patient care under one consultant within one health care provider. FCEs are counted against the year in which they end. The figures do not represent the number of different patients, as a person may have more than one episode of care within the same stay in hospital or in different stays in the same year.
Number of episodes with a (named) main or secondary procedure
The figure represents the number of episodes where the procedure (or intervention) was recorded in any of the 24 operative procedure fields in a HES record. A record is only included once in each count, even if the procedure is recorded in more than one operative procedure field of the record. More procedures are carried out than episodes with a main or secondary procedure. For example, patients undergoing a ‘cataract operation’ would tend to have at least two procedures—removal of the faulty lens and the fitting of a new one—counted in a single episode.
OPCS 4.4 codes
The OPCS 4.4 codes used for gastric band surgery are:
G30.3—Partitioning of stomach using band (Insertion of a gastric band)
G38.7—Removal of gastric band (Removal of a gastric band)
The code G30.8 (Other specified plastic operations on stomach—Adjustment of gastric band) has not been included owing to the fact that though the code may include the adjustment of a gastric band, it is not limited to that procedure.
Data quality
HES are compiled from data sent by over 300 NHS trusts and primary care trusts (PCTs) in England. Data is also received from a number of independent sector organisations for activity commissioned by the English NHS. The NHS Information Centre for health and social care liaises closely with these organisations to encourage submission of complete and valid data and seeks to minimise inaccuracies and the effect of missing and invalid data via HES processes. While this brings about improvement over time, some shortcomings remain.
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), The NHS Information Centre for health and social care