This is a matter for Ofsted. HM chief inspector, Christine Gilbert, has written to the hon. Member and a copy of her reply has been placed in the House Libraries.
Letter from Christine Gilbert, dated 10 December 2009:
Your recent parliamentary question has been passed to me, as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, for a response.
Figures for 2006/07 and 2007/08 are not available from the current financial system and would need to be retrieved from archived data. Retrieval of this data would only be possible at disproportionate costs.
Ofsted expenditure on hotel accommodation for its officials in the last three years was:
£ 2007/08 2,197,963.73 2008/09 2,373,804.91 2009/10 1,456,399.53
The 2009/10 figure is for the first eight months of the current financial year.
A copy of this reply has been sent to Vernon Coaker MP, Minister of State for Schools and Learners and will be placed in the library of both Houses.