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Pre-School Education: Nottingham

Volume 503: debated on Wednesday 6 January 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many children aged (a) three and (b) four years in Nottingham North constituency are in free nursery places. (308293)

The available figures are in the table.

Part-time equivalent number of free early education places1,2,3 filled by three and four-year olds. Parliamentary constituency: Nottingham North. Position in January

Number of three-year-olds

Number of four-year-olds




1 A place is equal to 12.5 hours (five sessions) and can be filled by more than one child.

2 Figures are rounded to the nearest 100.

3 Age of all children taken at 31 December 2008.


Early Years Census and School Census

The Department publishes information on the part-time equivalent number of free early education places filled by three and four-year-olds in maintained, private, voluntary and independent providers. This is derived by counting children taking up 12 and a half hours per week as one place, 10 hours per week as 0.8 places, seven and a half hours per week as 0.6 places, five hours per week as 0.4 places and two and a half hours per week as 0.2 places.