The schools' capital budget for Gloucester for 2009-10 is set by the local authority in accordance with asset management plans prepared locally. The budget is determined by allocations from the Department and any resources available locally, which can include brought forward reserves.
Allocations made by the Department to Gloucestershire in the financial year 2009-10 are set out in the following table, including funds advanced from 2010-11 to 2009-10. The local authority has considerable flexibility in deciding how these are used.
Description £ million 14-19 Diplomas Pathfinder projects 1.3 Basic Need—for school expansion 9.2 Devolved Formula Funding—prioritised at school level 17.2 Expansion of popular schools 0.9 ICT Harnessing Technology 2.7 Voluntary Aided Schools 3.7 Modernisation 6.4 Primary Schools 5.0 14-19 Diplomas, SEN and Disabilities 4.0 Small programmes 2.4 Total 52.8