For the UK household sector, total end-use emissions of carbon were just over 146.5 million tonnes of CO2 (MtCO2) in 2006, for which a breakdown of emissions per service is shown in Fig.1. Overall household sector carbon emissions in 2007 were just over 140.5 MtCO2,but the breakdown by service is not yet available for that year.
Service MtCO2 Space heating 66.7 Water heating 31.9 Cooking 5.1 Lights appliances and cooling1 41.8 1 Of which lights contributed 8.4 MtCO2; appliances 33.4 MtCO2; and cooling 0.1 MtCO2 (indicative estimates).
For non-domestic buildings, the most recent estimates available are for 2008. Fig.2 shows the breakdown of emissions per service. These figures, totalling 88.9 MtCO2, include all energy use in public and commercial buildings and energy use for space heating and lighting in industrial buildings.
Service MtCO2 Space heating and cooling 42.7 Hot water 4.7 Lighting 22.7 Appliances 11.5 Other 7.3