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Housing: Insulation

Volume 503: debated on Wednesday 6 January 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change how many companies have been investigated and removed from Government schemes for cavity wall insulation grants in the last five years; and if he will make a statement. (306087)

The Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) is the Government's principal instrument for encouraging households to install insulation. However, CERT is not a Government managed scheme, but rather a carbon saving obligation placed by Government on energy supply companies with more than 50,000 customers. Suppliers meet their targets by promoting (typically through subsidised offers) and installing a mix of approved energy efficiency measures, including insulation measures. Energy suppliers each have their own contracts with insulation companies which are treated as commercial in confidence. A small amount of insulation activity is directly funded through the Government's flagship fuel poverty programme—Warm Front. However, no contractors have been removed in the last five years.