The following Darwin Initiative projects in the UK's Caribbean Overseas Territories were allocated and provided with funds from the 2009-10 Darwin funding round. For main projects and post projects, project leaders can claim for up to 75 per cent. of their annual award in advance, but the final amount is withheld pending submission of annual or final reports, and/or meeting other agreed targets.
Although we can confirm actual expenditure from the Darwin Initiative, it is for the recipient organisation to confirm whether it has received the funding.
Project Allocated Approved for payment at time of writing Commonwealth Foundation project to build civil-society capacity for conservation across the Caribbean Overseas Territories 117,150 87,862 Montserrat post-project aiming to reduce impact of feral livestock in Centre Hills 71,144 53,538 Total 188,294 141,400
This additional funding for biodiversity projects in Overseas Territories is part of round 17 of the Darwin Initiative. We expect to announce the results of round 17 in the spring.
The first round of the Overseas Territories Challenge Fund was launched on 25 November 2009. The deadline for proposals to be submitted is 19 February 2010 and once the deadline has passed I shall write to the hon. Member with this information.
The following Darwin Initiative projects in the UK’s South Atlantic Overseas Territories were allocated funds from the 2009-10 Darwin funding round. The payment made to date is also shown. For clarity, scoping projects are normally paid in arrears. For post projects, project leaders can claim for up to 75 per cent. of their annual award in advance, but the final amount is withheld pending submission of annual or final reports, and/or meeting other agreed targets. Although we can confirm actual expenditure from the Darwin Initiative, it is for the recipient organisation to confirm whether it has received the funding.
Project Allocated Received at time of writing Tristan da Cunha post-project to build capacity for the marine environment for conservation 21,856 1,250 Falklands scoping project working towards a biodiversity inventory and conservation 3,000 0 St. Helena scoping project developing conservation in its Millennium forest 3,000 0 Total 27,856 1,250