DEFRA itself has not reintroduced, and does not plan to reintroduce, any species to England.
Since 1997 Natural England and its predecessor bodies have, with partners, re-introduced into England the following four species, which had previously become extinct:
Corncrake (Crex crex)
Pool Frog (Rana lessonae)
Pedunculate Sea-purslane (Atriplex pedunculata)
Interrupted Brome (Bromus interruptus)
Natural England is involved in planning the reintroduction of the following two species into England:
White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Short-haired Bumblebee (Bombus subterraneus)
These projects will only go ahead if the required licences are secured and they are shown to meet internationally agreed guidelines produced by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
DEFRA itself has not spent money on re-introducing species of wildlife to England.
Natural England has spent the following amounts on re-introducing wildlife species in England:
£ 2007-08 25,000 2008-09 26,000
They plan to spend £52,000 in 2009-10.
The figures quoted are part of the cost of Natural England's Species Recovery programme, of which re-introduction is one component.
Information regarding any such expenditure by Natural England's predecessor, English Nature, is not readily available at this time.