(2) what resources his Department has made available to Gloucester City to support flood recovery since the 2007 floods;
(3) what resources his Department has made available to Gloucestershire to support flood recovery since the 2007 floods;
(4) what resources his Department has co-ordinated across Government to support flood recovery in Gloucestershire since the 2007 floods.
Following the flooding of summer 2007, the Government made available a comprehensive package of support for those communities most badly affected. This included Flood Recovery Grant, funding from the Bellwin Scheme, the Restoration Fund and funding for council tax relief, all of which were administered by Communities and Local Government (CLG). The Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) provided funding for schools and children's services and the Department of Transport (DFT) provided funding for repairs to highways and transport infrastructure. Details of the support given to local authorities within Gloucestershire are shown in the following table.
The total package of support to all local authorities in Gloucestershire was £29,137,517.
Local authority Support Amount(£) Cheltenham borough council Flood Recovery Grant (CLG) 646,500 Bellwin Scheme (CLG) 48,361 Restoration Fund (CLG) 1,774,306 Council Tax Funding (CLG) 2,611 Sum of total funding 2,471,778 Cotswold district council Flood Recovery Grant (CLG) 663,500 Bellwin Scheme (CLG) 87,432 Restoration Fund (CLG) 330,316 Council Tax Funding (CLG) 21,722 Sum of total funding 1,102,970 Forest of Dean district council Flood Recovery Grant (CLG) 23,000 Restoration Fund (CLG) 13,324 Council Tax Funding (CLG) 2,728 Sum of total funding 39,052 Gloucester city council Flood Recovery Grant (CLG) 696,500 Bellwin Scheme (GLG) 189,361 Restoration Fund (CLG) 191,016 Council Tax Funding (CLG) 10,209 Sum of total funding 1,087,086 Gloucestershire police authority Bellwin Scheme (CLG) 955,420 Restoration Fund (CLG) 60,639 Sum of total funding 1,016,059 Stroud district council Flood Recovery Grant (CLG) 60,000 Bellwin Scheme (CLG) 8,673 Sum of total funding 68,673 Tewkesbury borough council Flood Recovery Grant (CLG) 673,500 Bellwin Scheme (CLG) 351,073 Restoration Fund (CLG) 216,919 Council Tax Funding (CLG) 233,000 Sum of total funding 1,474,492 Gloucestershire county council Funding from DCSF 1,007,900 Funding from DFT 16,548,000 Bellwin Scheme (CLG) 2,807,644 Restoration Fund (CLG) 1,513,863 Sum of total funding 21,877,407