The information requested is given in the following table. Records are not held prior to December 2003.
1 April 2009 1 April 2008 1 April 2007 1 April 2006 1 April 2005 1 April 2004 31 Dec 2003 Officers Untrained Strength 156 159 169 188 207 48 49 Sub Lieutenant 13 20 19 32 21 29 25 Lieutenant 247 259 247 238 243 278 287 Lieutenant Commander 346 379 407 428 441 479 481 Commander 86 88 86 84 73 68 70 Captain 8 6 5 7 8 7 8 Commodore 1 2 2 1 I 2 1 Ratings Untrained Strength 361 314 305 331 444 345 364 Able Seaman 2 26 34 53 91 86 62 59 Able Seaman 1 241 281 285 294 310 349 357 Leading Hand 159 170 195 223 249 282 287 Petty Officer 188 205 229 272 290 314 324 Chief Petty Officer 172 176 194 184 193 212 217 Warrant Officer 17 13 12 13 2 01 01
The requirement for Royal Naval Reserve personnel is set by the Commander Maritime Reserves. The bearing against requirement for the years provided in the answer is:
Percentage 2009 82 2008 92 2007 75 2006 77 2005 79 2004 64 2003 63 Note: 1. Warrant officers were not part of the rank/rate structure of the Royal Naval Reserve until 2005.