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Volume 503: debated on Wednesday 6 January 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many pupils in (a) comprehensive and (b) maintained schools did not obtain at least one GCSE at grade C or above, excluding equivalents, in 2009. (304904)

95,056 pupils in comprehensive schools did not obtain a single GCSE at grade C or above excluding equivalents1, according to provisional figures for 2009. This represents 18.3 per cent. of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 in comprehensive schools.

110,143 pupils in all maintained schools2 did not obtain a single GCSE at grade C or above excluding equivalents in 2009. This represents 19.0 per cent. of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 in all maintained schools.

1 Qualifications included are full GCSEs, GCSE double awards and GCSEs in applied subjects only.

2 Maintained schools include special schools but do not include hospital schools and pupil referral units.