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Schools: Nottingham

Volume 503: debated on Wednesday 6 January 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many schools in Nottingham North constituency have been (a) rebuilt and (b) significantly refurbished since 1997. (308294)

As part of the local authority’s return to the 2007 and 2009 DCSF School Building Surveys, the following schools were reported to have benefited from investment in the Nottingham, North constituency since 1997:

New or rebuilt

Rosslyn Park Primary and Nursery School

Ambleside Primary School

Southwark Primary School

Significantly refurbished

Ellis Guilford Schools and Sports College

Hadden Park High School (2002-03 project)

River Leen School

Westbury School

Henry Whipple Primary School

Robin Hood Primary School

A further three schools have benefited from BSF investment to date.

New or rebuilt

Bigwood School (phase 1)

Oak Field School and Specialist Sports College

Significantly refurbished

Hadden Park High School (phase 1)