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The number of national health service hospital and community health services staff in Gloucester for each specified staff group in each specified organisation as at 30 September 2002 to 30 September 2008, is given in the following table.
Headcount Total specified organisations 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Medical and dental staff1 540 588 662 712 740 711 782 General Practitioners (GPs) 419 430 436 452 445 437 449 HCHS qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff 2,877 3,086 3,180 3,336 3,212 3,311 3,507 GP practice nurses 237 237 237 273 299 296 316 Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Medical and dental staff1 497 542 613 658 685 673 725 HCHS qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff 1,928 2,152 2,163 2,300 2,231 2,320 2,407 Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust (PCT)2 Medical and dental staff1 43 46 49 54 55 38 57 GPs 419 430 436 452 445 437 449 HCHS qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff 949 934 1,017 1,036 981 991 1,100 GP practice nurses 237 237 237 273 299 296 316 1 Excludes medical hospital practitioners and medical clinical assistants, most of whom are GPs working part time in hospitals have been excluded to avoid double counting. 2 Gloucestershire PCT was formed in October 2006 from a complete merger of Cheltenham and Tewkesbury PCT, Cotswold and Vale PCT, and West Gloucestershire PCT. Figures from 2002-06 are an aggregate of these predecessor organisations. Due to the high number of Trust mergers and the formation of PCTs in 2002 it is impossible to accurately map figures for these organisations prior to 2002. GPs and GP practice nurses are only employed by PCTs. Sources: The NHS Information Centre for health and social care Non-Medical Workforce Census. The NHS Information Centre for health and social care Medical and Dental Workforce Census.