Information on mileage travelled by taxi is not available. Information on taxi travel expenditure is only available from 2005-06. Details of the separate payments made in respect of Ministers and officials could be provided only at disproportionate cost. Such information as is available is in the following table.
Period Expenditure (£ million) 2005-06 1.89 2006-07 2.45 2007-08 2.02 2008-09 2.29 2008-09 1.19
Expenditure by the Department on taxis needs to be seen in the context of a Department employing well over 100,000 people. An estimated 40 per cent. of the expenditure on taxis shown here is incurred to enable disabled members of staff to travel to and from work. This expenditure represents payment by the Department of costs which, in the case of other employers, could be claimed for under the “Access to Work” programme which Government Departments voluntarily forego.