The information requested is not available in this exact format, as the reason for an individual leaving benefit is not always known. However the following table sets out the destinations, by percentage, of people who have left the new deal for young people, other than to benefits, in the last five years:
Leavers to work Other destination (including education or training) or destination unknown 2005 52.18 47.82 2006 49.85 50.15 2007 50.37 49.63 2008 47.86 52.14 2009 37.58 62.42 Notes: 1. Immediate destination is measured within two weeks of leaving new deal, using information from the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study. 2. The year of leaving is the calendar year of leaving new deal. 3. Latest data for 2009 are to May. Source: Department for Work and Pensions, Information Directorate