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Departmental Pay

Volume 503: debated on Wednesday 13 January 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how much funding his Department has allocated for (a) year end and (b) in-year bonuses for its staff in 2009-10. (307021)

The pay bill for 2009-10 is estimated at £133 million, of which non-consolidated performance payments payable at end year represents £2.5 million. There are no in-year non-consolidated payments.

All employees are eligible for non-consolidated performance payments, subject to strict criteria in line with the Government's policy on public sector pay. Senior civil service non-consolidated payments are determined as part of a central performance management framework managed by the Cabinet Office. Payments for other grades are subject to the pay remit process and reflect previous pay settlements. Non-consolidated performance payments have to re-earn each year and do not add to future pay bill costs (e.g. pensions) and are an integral element of the reward package for staff.