On behalf of my constituents in Gloucester, I should like to present this petition, which objects to the building of the 10-storey incinerator that has been proposed by Conservative-run Gloucestershire county council. It calls for the removal of incineration from the waste plan. The petition, and other associated petitions, have been signed by 1,160 of my constituents in Gloucester. I am delighted that three of Gloucestershire’s Members of Parliament are here to support it.
The petition states:
The Petition of residents of Gloucester and surrounding areas, and others,
Declares that the Petitioners believe that the County Council is proposing to build a large scale incinerator in or around Gloucester capable of burning 175,000 tonnes of waste, much of which could be imported from around the country.
Further declares that the Petitioners believe that other options have not been given sufficient consideration, and that local councillors should oppose incineration and should consider other more environmentally friendly options instead.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urge the Government to call upon the City and County Councils to rule out incineration from Gloucestershire’s waste plan.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.