[holding answer 11 January 2010]: Between 1 April 2009 and 31 December 2009 there have been 348 national referral mechanism referrals where the individual was accommodated by a specialist accommodation provider, 27 cases where the individual was in an immigration detention centre and 22 cases where the subject was in prison or a young offenders institution.
[holding answer 11 January 2010]: Between 1 April 2009 and 31 December 2009 there have been 527 referrals made to the national referral mechanism. The referrals were made by the following agencies:
Number of referrals UKBA 238 Police 166 Local authorities 57 Poppy 27 Kalayaan 19 TARA 9 Migrant Helpline 8 CPS 2 NHS 1 Total 527
Between 1 April 2009 and 31 December 2009 there have been 527 referrals made to Competent Authorities within the National Referral Mechanism. The breakdown of Reasonable Grounds decisions are as follows:
Number Positive 301 Negative 131 Suspended 7 Withdrawn 18 No decision recorded 70 Total 527
‘Suspended’ cases are where the individual has either absconded or is missing prior to the reasonable grounds decision being made.
‘Withdrawn’ are where the individual has left the UK prior to the reasonable grounds decision being made.
‘No decision recorded’ means the decision has not been officially logged with UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC). This is where the reasonable grounds decision is either still being considered or where the decision has yet to be recorded on the UKHTC system.