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Planning and Development (Cheshire)

Volume 503: debated on Thursday 14 January 2010

The Petition of residents of Tarporley and surrounding areas,

Declares that Vale Royal Borough Council should reject the planning application reference 08-2866-FUM for the development of a continuing care community on land adjacent to Heatherways, Tarporley, due to the negative impact on the village and its amenities that such a development would cause.

The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to indicate to Vale Royal Borough Council that this application is not substantially different from the previous application 08-0779-FUM and so must therefore be opposed by Vale Royal Borough Council for the same reasons; and instruct Vale Royal Borough Council to place on public record that due to the negative impact on the village and is amenities such a development would cause, the proposed site is confirmed as unsuitable for such a development in the future.

And the Petitioners remain, etc.—[Presented by Mr. Stephen O'Brien, Official Report, 12 March 2009; Vol. 489, c. 550.]


Observations from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government:

Under planning legislation, the granting of planning permission is the responsibility of the elected local authority. Successive Governments have decided that the day-to-day planning functions, such as formulating development plan policies, determining planning applications and enforcing planning control, are best carried out by the democratically-elected local planning authorities. When deciding planning applications, it is the responsibility of the locally elected councillors to represent the overall interests of their communities.

Local authorities must determine planning applications in accordance with the development plan for the area unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

The Government cannot express a view on an individual planning application, because of the Secretary of State’s appellate role in the planning system.