The information requested is given as follows. Data below local authority level for 2008/09 are not yet available.
Number of pupils achieving five or more GCSEs at grades A*-C Percentage of pupils achieving five or more GCSEs at grades A*-C 2007/08 798 61.3 2006/07 667 53.3 2005/06 666 55.0 2004/05 682 55.2 2003/04 640 53.7 2002/03 626 55.0 2001/02 593 50.7 2000/01 560 48.6 1999/2000 559 48.5 1998/99 522 47.5 1997/98 549 50.8 1996/97 496 45.7 1 From 1997/98 includes GNVQ equivalences and from 2003/04 other equivalences approved for use pre-16. 2 Figures for 2004/05 onwards are based on pupils at the end of key stage 4. Data for previous years are based on pupils aged 15 years old at the start of the academic year. Source: National Pupil Database and Achievement and Attainment Tables (final data).