BIS, through Business Link West Midlands (BLWM), encourages young people to seek support in starting up businesses through the following routes:
(1) As part of a contract with BLWM, Business Enterprise Support (BES) has held an awareness event with Connexions in Tamworth and delivered training on self employment to students at Tamworth college.
(2) Business Link also sub-contract business start up support activity to the Princes Trust. The funding enables outreach workers in south Staffordshire to build relationships with young people in order to introduce them to start up support schemes and encourage them to make full use of the support available.
(3) Business Link works very closely with Job Centre Plus (JCP) who refer young people on benefits who are interested in exploring self-employment. Business Link speaks to each young person to discuss the realities of running a business and to encourage them to join a scheme designed for young people considering setting up a business.
Out of 23 businesses started in Tamworth with assistance from BLWM since April 2009 12 were established by individuals who are under 25-years-old.