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Table 1 shows the number of defendants prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service whose case was completed in each of the six months ending December 2009. Case outcomes are broken down into convictions and unsuccessful outcomes, the latter figure comprising all outcomes other than a conviction, and are also expressed as a proportion of completed cases.
Table 2 shows figures for England and Wales as a whole, and for CPS North Yorkshire.
(1) CPS national Convictions Unsuccessful 2009 Number Percentage Number Percentage Total July 77,571 86.2 12,382 13.8 89,953 August 66,930 86.0 10,889 14.0 77,819 September 76,583 86.1 12,335 13.9 88,918 October 71,385 86.0 11,634 14.0 83,019 November 69,274 86.0 11,301 14.0 80,575 December 62,881 85.7 10,496 14.3 73,377
Convictions Unsuccessful 2009 Number Percentage Number Percentage Total July 857 87.4 124 12.6 981 August 768 89.9 86 10.1 854 September 892 88.9 111 11.1 1,003 October 856 87.7 120 12.3 976 November 834 88.6 107 11.4 941 December 09 736 88.7 94 11.3 830