Estimates of the percentage of meat, eggs, wheat, fruit, vegetables and milk consumed and which were produced domestically are provided in Table 1. Figures for the last three years are fairly stable.
These figures are based on volumes of production and trade. Figures are affected by market conditions in the UK and abroad. Factors affecting market conditions include exchange rates, weather conditions, animal disease and consumer demand. When interpreting the figures it is important to look at the trends over time, rather than concentrating on figures for individual years.
Information on the percentage of domestically produced bread consumed is not available. However, data on the tonnage of wheat grain used for milling and the proportion of wheat grain that is home grown are shown in Table 2. This is also based on volumes but is for the crop year rather than calendar year. The grain will be milled into flour for a range of purposes including bread, biscuits, cakes and starch. It is not possible to provide information that distinguishes home grown wheat grain milled for bread flour alone. The lower percentage home grown wheat in the last two years is a reflection of the lower quality of the domestic crop for milling.
Percentage 2006 2007 2008 Meat 66 65 65 Eggs 81 77 77 Wheat 92 90 92 Fruit 6 7 8 Vegetables 57 55 56 Liquid drinking milk 99 99 99 Source: DEFRA statistics
Percentage 2006-07 85 2007-08 79 2008-09 78 Source: DEFRA statistics
The volume of UK production of meat, eggs, wheat, fruit, vegetables and drinking milk available for use in the UK is provided in the Table 1. This information is not available for bread.
These figures are calculated as UK production minus exports from the UK. This leaves the volume of UK production that is available for use in the UK. These products may be consumed in the UK, but they could also be used in the manufacture of other products, which could later be exported. In the case of wheat availability this includes wheat that is used for animal feed or seed production.
Table 2 shows the tonnage of UK produced grain which is used by the milling industry to produce flour for a range of uses including bread, biscuits, cakes and starch. It is not possible to provide this information specifically for bread.
2006 2007 2008 Meat (thousand tonnes) 2,981 2,904 2,793 Eggs (million dozen) 725 704 730 Wheat (thousand tonnes) 12,619 11,309 14,461 Fruit (thousand tonnes) 215 259 279 Vegetables (thousand tonnes) 2,514 2,382 2,506 Liquid drinking milk (million litres) 6,249 6,212 6,255
2006 2007 2008 UK grain (thousand tonnes) 4,744 4,693 4,918 Source: DEFRA statistics