(2) how much his Department (a) budgeted to spend and (b) have spent to date on (i) support for passenger rail franchises and (ii) Transport Innovation Fund capital grants to local authorities for 2009-10.
Support for passenger rail franchises in 2008-09 was budgeted to deliver net income to the Department for Transport of £343 million, against which the outturn was net income of £402 million. In 2009-10 the year-to-date income at the end of December 2009 was £148 million. With expenditure forecast to increase over the remainder of the year due to the impact of the economic downturn on industry revenues, the final position is expected to be in line with the budgeted income of £34 million.
No Transport Innovation Fund capital funding was paid to local authorities in 2008-09 or 2009-10.
(2) how much his Department (a) budgeted to spend and (b) has spent to date on (i) the congestion Transport Innovation Fund and (ii) the productivity Transport Innovation Fund for 2009-10.
The Department for Transport announced in July 2005 that it would make available up to £200 million per year from 2008-09 to support Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) congestion packages. Spending depended on receiving acceptable bids from local authorities. A provisional allocation of capital resources for congestion TIF of around £100 million in 2008-09 and £200 million in 2009-10 was made in spending plans prior to start of 2008-09.
Nothing has been spent directly from congestion TIF, However the Department has spent £16.1 million in 2008-09 and £2.7 million to date in 2009-10 on pump priming and development costs for potential congestion TIF bids.
Productivity TIF schemes are being delivered by Network Rail and the Highways Agency. The Department budgeted £55.3 million for rail projects in 2008-09 which was spent by Network Rail with a further £61.7 million expected to be spent in 2009-10.
The budgets for productivity TIF schemes delivered by the Highways Agency were £50.7 million for 2008-09 and £122.5 million for 2009-10. Total spend on the Birmingham Box and A14 active traffic management schemes was £46.6 million in 2008-09 and £68.4 million to December in 2009-10.