All official travel within the Department is carried out in accordance with the requirements of both the Civil Service Management Code:
and Departmental Business Travel Policy, which enable staff to stay overnight in hotel accommodation when travelling on detached duty for business purpose.
The following room nights were booked by DWP staff in the Department in each full financial year since 2007-08.
Room nights 2007-08 Total DWP 139,365 Disability and Carers Service 3,399 Corporate Services/Headquarters 40,628 Child Support Agency 27,073 The Pension Service 24,218 Jobcentre Plus 44,047 2008-09 Total DWP 143,923 Disability and Carers Service n/a Corporate Services/Headquarters 49,458 Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 25,379 Pension, Disability and Carers Service 21,979 Jobcentre Plus 47,107
The Pension Service and the Disability and Carers Service merged into a single Agency in April 2008. The figures in the table need to be seen in the context of the Department’s total staffing of over 100,000. The Department’s booking agent is remunerated on a commission share basis by the hotels with whom it books accommodation and the Department itself pays no booking fees.