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European Defence Agency

Volume 504: debated on Thursday 28 January 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence in which (a) initiatives and (b) programmes of the European Defence Agency the UK is participating; and what the cost to the UK is of each in 2009-10. (312652)

UK support of the EU military capability helps strengthen the Common Security and Defence Policy and Europe's contribution to NATO, both of which are in our national interest. The Ministry of Defence participates in the development of military capability through the European Defence Agency in the following areas:

Capability Development Plan and capability improvement strategy;

Collaborative Database strategy;

Computer Information Systems (CIS) Information Exchange Requirements (IERs);

Computer Network Operations;

Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED);

Counter Portable Air Defence Systems (C-MANPADS);

Defence Data;

European Armaments Co-operation strategy;

European Defence Exports Market;

European Defence Research and Technology (EDRT) strategy;

European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) strategy:


Depth and Diversity of Small/Medium Enterprises

Future Air Systems

Security of Supply, Offsets and the Level Playing Field;

Helicopters availability;

Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) architecture;

Maritime Mine Countermeasures (MMCM);

Maritime Surveillance Networking;

Medical Support;

Military Airworthiness and Certification Authorities (MAWA);

Military aspects of a Comprehensive Approach;

Networked Enabled Capabilities (NEC);

Satellite Communications;

Secure Management Infrastructure;

Space Situational Awareness;

Third Party Logistics Support;

The UK contributes to capability development in a variety of forms, including financial, equipment and systems testing and the sharing of knowledge, expertise and experience. As the costs of these capability development areas are shared among participating nations, including through national financial contributions to the European Defence Agency's budget, we are unable to accurately apportion specific individual costs to the UK. Our financial contribution to the Agency's budget for calendar year 2009 was £3.03 million.