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It is the National Offender Management Services' policy to report to the police all incidents where drugs are found in the possession of visitors. National data for the number of visitors arrested is given in the following table.
Number of visitors arrested1 2004-05 439 2005-06 429 2006-07 374 2007-08 424 2008-09 460 1 These figures include all incidents, the majority will be drug related. Note: These figures have been drawn from administrative data systems. Although care is taken when processing and analysing the returns, the detail collected is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. The data are not subject to audit. To disaggregate into individual prison data would require an investigation into each regional return for the past five years and would be at disproportionate cost.
Prisons often take action against visitors based on suspicion, and before they are caught in possession of drugs, including visit bans, closed visits or closely supervised visits.
Data on the number of prison officers caught attempting to smuggle illegal drugs into an establishment are held locally and could, only be obtained by consulting all prisons across England and Wales. This would incur disproportionate cost.
Prisoners caught attempting to smuggle illegal drugs into prison are referred, to the police. Data on the number of prisoners caught attempting to smuggle illegal drugs into an establishment are held locally and could be obtained only by consulting all prisons across England and Wales. This would incur disproportionate cost.