There are nine layers of management in the Department for Work and Pensions. The following table gives a headcount breakdown of the number of people in each management grade at 31 March 2009.
Grade Jobcentre Plus Pensions and Disability Centre Corporate and Shared Services Total Permanent Secretary 0 0 1 1 Director General 0 1 7 8 Director 11 6 40 57 Deputy Director 34 18 156 208 Grade 6 135 60 378 573 Grade 7 341 113 1,006 1,460 Senior Executive Officer 1,092 326 1,199 2,617 Higher Executive Officer 4,083 691 2,275 7,049 Executive Officer 29,580 5,106 3,340 38,026 Total 35,276 6,321 8,402 49,999
It is not possible to split staff and associated costs down further by grade as information is not readily available at the level of detail requested, neither is this possible for associated costs of employment. The costs of providing such information would be disproportionate.
The Department for Work and Pensions has no staff in transition prior to being managed out.