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Volume 505: debated on Wednesday 3 February 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what his Department's most recent estimate is of the number of people in each region who are homeless but who are not included in local authority homelessness statistics; and if he will make a statement. (313859)

Beyond the information that CLG collects and publishes on local housing authorities' activities under homelessness legislation, the Department has figures on counts of people found sleeping rough. Rough sleeping street count figures, collected from local authorities, are published at a local, regional and national level. In 1998 there were estimated to be 1,850 rough sleepers in England. Since then good progress has been made in reducing the total number of rough sleepers to 464 in street counts in 2009. The 2009 total street count figures are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Total street counts, by region, 2009


North East


Yorkshire and the Humber


East Midlands


East of England




South East


South West


West Midlands


North West




The Department also has data on Supporting People (SP) clients whose predominant need for housing related support was associated with homelessness when they first accessed a SP service. There are three primary client group categories whose predominant need is associated with homelessness: 'Single homeless', 'Rough sleeper' and 'Homeless families with support needs'.

Data are collected on primary 'client group' categories every time a client accesses housing related support services funded by the Supporting People programme. Figures for the number of clients accessing a SP service at any point in time are not available, but information by region on the number of clients in these client groups who accessed housing related support services during the period 1st April 2008 to 31 March 2009 are available from the Centre for Housing Research at University of St Andrew's Supporting People client record website:

Data are collected on a client group every time they enter a housing related support service, so it could be that clients access different services over the course of a year and appear more than once in the Supporting People data. We are unable to say how many of these clients may potentially be included in the information on local housing authorities' activities under homelessness legislation.

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many complaints have been received by the local government ombudsman on the administration of services for those who are (a) intentionally homeless and (b) sleeping rough in each of the last three years. (314662)

The number of complaints involving aspects of intentional homelessness received by the local government ombudsman for the last three years is as follows:








Data on the number of complaints received by the local government ombudsman on rough sleeping is not available.