The drug treatment and testing order (DTTO) and drug rehabilitation requirement (DRR) completion rate for each of the last five years is shown in the following table.
The proportion of offenders successfully completing DTTOs and DRRs has risen significantly from 28 per cent. in 2003 to 47 per cent. in 2008-09. This is encouraging because we know from research that offenders who complete orders have significantly lower reconviction rates (53 per cent.) than those that do not (91 per cent.)1, although it is not possible to attribute this difference entirely to the programme.
These figures have been drawn from administrative data systems which may be amended at any time. Although care is taken when processing and analysing the returns, the detail collected is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system.
Percentage 2004-05 36 2005-06 40 2006-07 44 2007-08 43 2008-09 47
1 Hough, M., Clancy, A., McSweeney, T. and Turnbull, P.J. (2003) ‘The Impact of Drug Treatment and Testing Orders on offending: two year reconviction results’. Home Office Research Findings No. 184. London: Home Office.